Saturday, July 25, 2009

Nursery Stuff

Brambleheart is expecting kits and she is going to move into the nursery. So her apprentice Fernpaw will have to have a new mentor. Her new mentor will be Icefrost.
I would like the Queens who's kits have just become apprentices (Windfur) to comment here saying if they'll stay in the nursery as a helper or something or if they'll return to their warrior duties. Also if you a queen and is expecting kits (Brambleheart and Sunflower) then i also would like if you would comment here telling me when they will be born, what their names are, what they look like etc.


  1. Can you just change his name to.....


    And here's the picture-

  2. I won't be able to post for FIVE days.Be back Friday or Saturday!
