This is the Clan Leisure place. It's just outside of camp. It has comfortably moss to relax or sun yourself on, rocks for kits to play on and a stream for warriors and apprentices to go for a nice swim. It can also be a great source of herbs, or so I'm told by Iceflower. Come here to relax, have fun or just cause! Thanks to Willowmoon for coming up with this great idea.
wow, pretty!!!!!
ReplyDeleteOk Mistkit, Nightkit. This is a good place for me to teach you how to swim.
ReplyDeleteSwimming? Yay!
Ok, I'll give it a try.
Swimming is just like walking, only in water. C'mon kits, give it a try!
*Starts to swim* Yes! I'm doing it!
*Gasps, then begins to swim* I-I'm doing it!
Very good! You to can play while I look around...
Good job kits!
Weee! *Mistkit leaps playfuly onto Duststorm, bringing him down into the water, where Nightkit can tackle him and play* Yay! We got you Duststorm! Now show us how to do some battle moves! Please? Please?
ReplyDeleteMistkit and Nightkit
*Chuckles* Let your father up this instant! You kits are getting to be strong!
*amused* Kits will be kits Willowmoon. oh, by the way, i'm new here. my name is Goldenstream.
ReplyDeleteHello Goldenstream! Yes. Kits will be kits. *Laughes* :)
ReplyDeleteOk I'll teach you a basic fighting move. Mistkit leap on Nightkit's back and hold on to it. Now you can rake Nightkit's back with your claws if you were in a battle. Nightkit, the way to get her off is to roll on your back to shake her off.
ReplyDeleteYou kits practice while i go look for your mother.
Wee! *Pounces on Nightkit*
Yah! *retaliates with a move of his own*
You wanted me?
*Walks up with a rabbit* I was wondering if you wanted to share a rabbit?
Sure, why not. *munches rabbit* also, i wanted to tell you. I wont be here tomorrow or friday. I'm going away then. But i will be postin friday afternoon (possibly) and saturday.
ReplyDeleteVelvetpaw suns herself on a rock by the water, letting it warm her brown pelt. She goes and gets a plump mouse from the pile, and digs in, then falls back again and thinks...