Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Not back just wanted to post

I haven't been posting awile as you've probably realized but I wanted to let you know that I havn't forgotten I think about it almost every day when I could post again.  I just wanted to say that I may not be posting but that doesn't mean Ive forgotten. Im also still on the blogging world as I visit many other blogger sites. 


  1. WOOHOO!!! Brightstar didn't forget us!!! And um... can I become a senior warrior? *Talking as Lilypool*

    Also, please join my clan!!! all of you!!! Click my name on the shoutbox, and it will bring you there.

  2. I'm really sorry. But I am in too many clans. I would like to quit. I might come back later. I have been quitting a lot of clans. I'm sorry. I hate doing this.

  3. HELP! WispClan is being attacked by rogues!! Please help us!

    PS Brightfire, if you don't comment in 4 days at WispClan, I'm sorry but I'm going to hold a poll for a new deputy.

  4. Brightstar, will you join my Clans?

  5. Evespark and VelvetpawJanuary 2, 2010 at 7:55 PM

    Hey Brightstar. First of all it's getting REALLY boring around here with you not posting...
    Second of all I (Evespark) think that it is time for my apprentice Velvetpaw to become a warrior. (Oh and can her name be Velvetear?) thanks.


  6. Brightstar - I'm sorry, but you have not posted in over two months. If you do not come to the February Gathering, then I will assume you've quit blogging and be forced to remove SmokeClan from the Gathering. Sorry for the inconvenience,


  7. Just a quick reminder, the Gathering is tonight! Please come!

    The Warrior Gathering


  8. Hey, I'm posting this on all the Clans. Yesterday I removed myself from being an author of WispClan. I simply did not have time to keep up with the blog, although I really did want to. Wildflower/Rainsong is leading it now. She will be doing updates and new cats and everything I didn't have time to do.

    I'm posting this as a reminder that if you have me in your Clan, I would like to be moved to an elder. Of course, I would love to stay a warrior but I fear that I won't be active enough as a warrior. If I am your deputy, feel free to appoint another deputy. I'm sorry. If I play any other cats, such as Pantherpelt, Apple-, Stone-, or Glimmer-, then you may move them to the elder's den as well.

    I'm sorry for the inconvenience. I just don't have enough time. However I will be checking in every once and a while to comment. Is that okay?


  9. Brightstar - I got your comment on StormClan. I'm sorry to hear that you've quit blogging, but I know that you probably have more important things to do. Thank you for telling me, though.

    I will retire Brightfire to the elders' den, but if you even come back to Blogger, I'd be happy to let you play him again. May StarClan always light your path,

    ~~Silverstar of StormClan

  10. hey anyone reading plz check my blog
    and plz follow me
